Friday, November 2, 2012

30 Days of Gratefulness | Day 2 | My Sisters

This first photo is one of my favorite photos of my sisters and I as kids. Things were so much simpler back then. I look at this photo and I'm reminded of the joy and craziness of our youth. We had a lot of fun growing up. We fought a lot too. :) Life wasn't always peaches and cream, but we made the most of it. And tried to LOVE every moment! We had many memorable ones - and I'm so grateful we got to experience so much. We might have not been the richest family on the block - but we sure had a lot of fun together - and still do!

Now, looking back at this photo, I'm reminded how LUCKY I am to have had the privilege and still have the privilege of having three sisters. They're my BEST friends. My confidants. My forever partners in this thing called LIFE. Today, and EVERYDAY I'm grateful that I get to walk life with each of them.

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