Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year!

It's been an amazing year. One that we'll never forget. One with many moments and memories that we'll cherish for many years to come. {We'll soon have a 'Year in Review', so be on the lookout for that in the next week!} :-D

We can't wait for all of the exciting things we'll experience in 2012, yet we'll savor the moments of 2011, while we still can, in these last few hours of the year!

Many blessings to each of you on this New Year's Eve. We hope you're all celebrating with the people that mean the most to you.

Happy New Year!

"Life is not measured by the number of BREATHS we take, but by the moments that take our breath away." In 2012, cherish the MOMENTS of this beautiful LIFE.

You never know WHO you will INSPIRE by what YOU will do. In 2012, do something that you never thought you could do. INSPIRE someone to do the same.

Above all, LOVE one another. Outside of your dreams, imagination, brokenness and changes, LOVE each other and help change the world.

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