The holidays are my FAVORITE time of year. It's when I get to spend time with my family - some of whom I don't get to see as often as I'd like! Of course, on both sides of the family, we ALL couldn't be together - but it's times like this, that I remain incredibly grateful for TWO families.
I adore my family. This is just a few of them! My dad, little sister Erin, my twin sis and her sweet boy Max were all able to come to Thanksgiving dinner this year! We had a blast. Cannot wait for the WHOLE family to be together in December for even more picture opportunities! ;) |
My husband, son and I do not have very many pictures together. You'll see quite a few of my son - but not all of us. In 2013 - I want to change that! My little sister snapped this one for us, at the end of the day and I'm so grateful for it. LOVE these moments. |
My dad and little sister - enjoying some 'playtime'! These are the moments that are incredibly AMAZING! LOVE THEM. |
My sweet nieces and nephews on my hubby's side. They are some of the sweetest, cutest little ones you'll ever meet! ADORE them ALL. This is only half! |
In downtown Indy. :) It's gorgeous there around the holidays ... the Allison grandkids in front of Rocket Fizz and with grandma to the right! ALL of them will soon be together at Christmas, as we welcome Stanley to the bunch! :) |
LOVE my 'married into' family! Brad and Julie on the left, with their gorgeous kiddos, Morgan, Madison, Branden and Blake - and the oh so precious and beautiful, Steve and Melissa, and their cutie pie beauties, Claire and Ebbet. |
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