I wish there was a dial that you could turn on and off for the brain. I mean wouldn't it be nice if you could 'flip a switch' when you actually WANTED to think and then 'flip a switch' for when you just wanted peace from the chaos? I don't know ... just a thought of nonsense perhaps.
Nonetheless, it's funny how we are who we are. While that's simple, yes, I still find it amazing how different and splendid each of us really is. I think that reality hit me when I was a kid. I looked up into the sky, realized how small I really was ... and then looked around me ... it was easy to see the beauty in others because I saw the insignificance of it all. Not the insignificance of life, but the amazing power of a moment.
I think so often, moments pass us by - without a glance, without a notice. They creep, they crawl, they unearth our inhibitions - Perhaps to be noticed, or maybe just to get our attention.
Whatever the reason, they bring life to us, they give us meaning, and somehow, they give us hope for yet another day. They give us this coveted thing called TIME.
It’s funny how time goes. It just goes and goes … it doesn’t matter if you want it to stand still for a moment … it just keeps going, with no end in sight. I guess, as I’ve gotten older that truth has become so relevant - it’s become a constant, no matter how fast my brain goes - and no matter how I wish it to stop.
I am not complaining … I feel so honored to still be here. I feel blessed that I still have breath in my body to STOP … LOOK … and CHERISH the ‘moments’ … whatever they are … because whatever they might be, they’re worth noticing.
So while that ‘flip ON and OFF' switch doesn’t exist for the brain … and while time continues to move and move … I am reminded of what’s right in front of me … and am so thankful for the beauty that surrounds me. Because after all, I can still look UP and realize everything is as it should be … and no matter how small and insignificant, I still have the 'moment' - I still have TIME.