Saturday, January 21, 2012

Lil' Miss Anna Bean | Newborn | 2012

Meet sweet little Anna. Also known as 'Lil' Miss Bean' by her mommy and daddy. :)

She is a little beauty - a little sweetie pie. Her mommy and daddy are completely smitten by her.

My sis and I had the privilege of spending some time with sweet Anna and her mommy and daddy last week - and what a wonderful time we had! And we must say - little Anna's room was the cutest room we've ever seen! Her mommy handmade MANY of the decorations and the colors were simply beautiful! Very crafty and so unique!

Precious Anna was such a trooper getting her pictures taken! And mommy and daddy were pretty awesome too!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Favorites | 2011

So I'm a few days behind in posting this. It's definitely a challenge to sift through thousands of photos from this past year, and pick out a few favorites. There are so many favorites. It was such an amazing year! We simply cannot wait for what's ahead in 2012. 

So, without further rambling, here are some favorites from 2011, in no particular order. While we tried to include EVERYONE, we might have missed a few - which that in no way changes how we adore and appreciate you! We just probably forgot to check a folder of photos on our computer! ;) We are sincerely thankful for each and every one of you - for letting us share in some special moments with you - and some 'just because' fun too! We LOVE you all! You're BEAUTIFUL!