I'm amazed at how time has flown by. I think about this past year, and in many ways, it seems like a whirlwind. My son was born December 12th, 2010 - the time was 4:21pm.
My water broke on a Sunday morning, around 6am - I was thinking how insanely crazy it was that we were actually having a baby. And when that time came - woah - I was scared. My husband, being the strong man he is, was also a bit nervous himself. After all, we were bringing a child into the world. I think about this fact all the time and I'm still incredibly amazed that we have a little baby - and now, a 1-year-old.
My twin sister and nephew were in town from the night before. How awesome it was that they were there when I went into actual labor. I thank God for this everyday.
We took our time to go to the hospital - I hadn't actually started to feel any contractions just yet, which was strange to me, yet I wasn't complaining! :) When we actually got there, there weren't any other patients there so they got me all checked in right away. The doctor on call was so incredibly sweet - and told me everything would be ok. I'm convinced every doctor and nurse we encountered during our time at St. Joseph Medical Center was an angel. We wouldn't have been able to get through the process so well without them. Sincerely.
After getting checked in, my sister and nephew Max, along with my hubby Jason sat down, took a deep breath and prayed. It was a good moment. My little sister Erin, and my dad soon came after, and we just 'rode out' the contractions for awhile, that began coming a bit more strongly. My then, 2-year-old nephew Max John, simply wanted to walk up and down the hallways with me. So there we were, myself and my sweet, 2-year-old nephew, walking the hallways of the labor ward. I'll never forget those moments with him. He just wanted me to be ok. :) Oh so sweet.
I walked the halls for a few hours and finally had to brace myself for what was coming. Contractions were becoming intense and I wasn't dilating - not at all. But outside, a winter storm was brewing and my doctor was at another hospital in town, delivering another baby. She told the doctors who were 'looking after' me, to continue to wait it out, to see if this baby would come on his own. So that's what we did. The nurses made me as comfortable as possible. And my dad and sisters were trying to keep me calm and make me laugh. Jason was just as calm as can be. He was my rock.
A few hours went by and my body was still uncooperative. But I'll tell you - God was my strength in those moments. I think about those intense hours now, and don't even remember the pain I was feeling. Plus, I was lucky enough to also have my AMAZING sis-in-law Julie there too. She helped coach me through the hard contractions, rubbed my back, and simply just sat with me. I was so very blessed that she could be there with me, along with my sisters and daddy. She helped in more ways than she probably knows! I am so thankful for her presence there.
One my my best friends, April was also in the room with me. I've been in the room with both Julie and April, for the births of some of their children. What an amazing experience it was - and what AMAZING moments to witness such miracles. April has such a calming spirit about her. Even in the moments of silence, her company meant so much.
I was so thankful and still am thankful that I had so many people there, to help and support Jason and I. Definitely feel VERY blessed God knew exactly what and who we needed that day.
As the contractions continued to become more intense, my doctor finally arrived. She decided fairly quickly, after realizing that I hadn't dilated at all, that this baby wasn't coming out the natural way. Of course I was a bit scared, Jason was scared, but having the support of my family there, and knowing God had it all under control, there was a definite peace. The doctor decided very quickly that she would deliver our baby boy via c-section. It all happened so fast. While I was petrified, Julie, April, my sisters, dad and Jason all prayed before they 'rolled' me into the operating room. I felt a calm and peace like I've never felt before and the excitement arose with the fact we were almost ready to meet our new baby boy!
As they wheeled me into the room, I closed my eyes for a moment, took a deep breath and waited for Jason. They prepped me for a spinal tap and it all happened so fast - the needle was in and the medicine began to filter through my body. What a weird sensation - but honestly, I felt a little less tense, as I wasn't able to feel the contractions any longer. From there, Jason came by my side and the process began. What a crazy moment. An amazing moment. The pressure was quite intense, but that's when I heard him - his voice - his cry. It was 4:21pm. I couldn't see him just yet, as they had to clean him up, but I looked back at the table where they took him and just smiled, teared up, and said THANK YOU JESUS.
Eli Joseph Allison weighed in at 9lbs, 7ounces. My doctor told me there was no way I could have delivered him naturally. I was certainly ok with that. :) And oh so thankful for her quick decision to do what she had to do!
I had to wait until they stitched me up, before they'd let me hold our baby boy, but when I held him for the first time, I fell in love. I knew I would love him, but I didn't know the measure of love until I saw him for the first time. Until I held him in my arms. It was an overwhelming feeling. I was overjoyed.
We spent the next few days in the hospital and couldn't have asked for a better place to have our baby boy. Many special people visited and we were so thankful for each and every one. While it was somewhat of a haze, our doctors/nurses/family/friends were Heaven sent. We were so blessed and so thankful. Even after we came home from the hospital, the blessings still came, with meals, gifts for our new baby, and simple visits and phone calls that meant and still mean so much.
Everyday, we are incredibly thankful that God gave us such a special gift. As we celebrate the marking of his 1st year, we remain so grateful and so appreciative for all the moments we've already shared with him - and simply cannot wait for the many more to come!
On Saturday, we celebrated Eli's birthday with friends and family. What a blessing. What a wonderful celebration. Oh so thankful for such a special time!
Happy Birthday Eli! We love you so much!!!
Diving into his cake! Made special, by the very talented, April Howell! |
A drum 'solo' soon followed. :) He's definitely going to be a drummer! |
Daddy bought him a drum set, to open on his birthday. Needless to say, he LOVED it very much! |
His smile melts my heart, EVERY time. :) |